SP chief Akhilesh Yadav did not appear Thursday before CBI in Delhi for recording statements as a witness in an alleged sand-mining scam of 2012-16 when he was UP CM, claiming the agency was “acting as a cell of BJP.”
These summonses are being issued before elections. We have replied to the CBI letter,” Akhilesh said about the case filed in 2019 on Allahabad HC’s directives.
The SP chief is learnt to have offered to depose through videoconferencing, citing political engagements.
These summonses are being issued before elections. We have replied to the CBI letter,” Akhilesh said about the case filed in 2019 on Allahabad HC’s directives.
The SP chief is learnt to have offered to depose through videoconferencing, citing political engagements.
Source Agencies