In 2023, Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film ‘Animal’, starring Ranbir Kapoor, grossed over Rs 900 crore worldwide, marking the biggest success of both the actor and director’s career. On Wednesday, March 6, Vanga was clicked at the Tirumala temple in Andhra Pradesh. He was seen sporting a bald and clean-shaven look, indicating he had offered his hair at the temple.
Dressed in a blue kurta, the director obliged fans with photographs. Here is the video:
When asked about his next project, Vanga revealed it to be ‘Spirit’, a film featuring Prabhas.
‘Animal’, despite its success, received mixed reviews, with some viewers criticising its violent and perceived misogynistic content.
Veteran writer Javed Akhtar labelled the film as ‘dangerous’ at the 9th Ajanta-Ellora International Film Festival in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, citing scenes where the male lead asks a female character to ‘lick his shoe’. Vanga, in response to Akhtar’s critique, asserted that Akhtar had not watched the entire film, and urged critics to fully view and understand a piece of art before passing judgement.
‘Animal’ also starred Rashmika Mandanna, Triptii Dimti and Bobby Deol in key roles. The film, which released on December 1, clashed with ‘Sam Bahadur’ at the box office.
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