Veteran India off-spinner and former Chennai Super Kings player Ravichandra Ashwin has reached out to his ex-employers, asking for “help” with tickets for his kids to watch the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) season opener between CSK and Royal Challengers Bangalore on March 22 at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.
“Unreal ticket demand for the #CSKvRCB #IPL2024 opener at Chepauk.My kids want to the see opening ceremony and the game. @ChennaiIPL pls help,” Ashwin posted on microblogging website ‘X’ on Monday.
“Unreal ticket demand for the #CSKvRCB #IPL2024 opener at Chepauk.My kids want to the see opening ceremony and the game. @ChennaiIPL pls help,” Ashwin posted on microblogging website ‘X’ on Monday.
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Source Agencies