BENGALURU: The Bengaluru police arrested two bikers for harassing a woman in her car on the Madiwala-Koramangala road in Bengaluru, officials said on Monday.
The third suspect, Kannan is currently on the run. The victim bravely recounted her alarming encounter to the authorities during a phone call. She shared crucial details, including a video of the incident and the culprits’ vehicle number, aiding in their capture.
The distressing video now widely circulated captures the victim’s desperate plea for help as she reports the location of the encounter to the police. The authorities acted swiftly to address the situation.
The third suspect, Kannan is currently on the run. The victim bravely recounted her alarming encounter to the authorities during a phone call. She shared crucial details, including a video of the incident and the culprits’ vehicle number, aiding in their capture.
The distressing video now widely circulated captures the victim’s desperate plea for help as she reports the location of the encounter to the police. The authorities acted swiftly to address the situation.
Source Agencies