The Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon starrer Crew has taken a solid start at the box office in India, going past all predictions and projections. According to early estimates, Crew has collected in the range of Rs. 8.75 to 9.75 crores on its opening day, laying the base for a strong total over the weekend.
The business is boosted by the Good Friday Holiday, but even otherwise, the film has taken a good start in India. The business is driven by the metros as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata have put up a strong total on the first day, and it’s these centres that will carry the film towards a big total in the long run too.
Crew has got the start and surprised many with the same and a big chunk of credit goes to the combination of Tabu, Kareena, and Kriti. The song Naina is also a chartbuster which played a role in pushing the sales for opening. 2024 is turning out to be the year of surprises as non-action films have again started to get footfalls and this is a great sign for the longevity of the industry.
Crew will be aiming at an opening weekend in the North of Rs. 30 crores and this is a number that very few could have predicted. All eyes now on Saturday jump as if the film consolidates the solid opening with growth on Saturday, it’s poised to be a success story!
More Pages: Crew Box Office Collection , Crew Movie Review
Source Agencies