The Kareena Kapoor, Tabu and Kriti Sanon starrer Crew has scored solid results in its opening weekend as according to early estimates, the film has collected Rs. 32.50 crores through the three-day run. After opening at Rs. 10.28 crores on Friday, the film jumped to Rs. 10.87 crore on Saturday, followed by another jump to Rs. 11.25 crores on Sunday.
The film opened on a Holiday on Friday due to Good Friday and it has been an upward trajectory since then, which spells a positive sign for the film. Crew needs to now show a routine hold on Monday to emerge a successful venture and the word of mouth seems to be positive in the target audience.
Crew has scored a healthy number in its opening weekend and the eyes are now to see the trend over the next 10 days until the arrival of two releases – Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Maidaan. Being a multiplex film, there should be a spike in the second weekend too pushing the film towards a big lifetime number. If Monday holds well, there is a shot for Crew to hit Rs. 100 crore too however, a Rs. 6 crore Monday is a must.
More Pages: Crew Box Office Collection , Crew Movie Review
Source Agencies