Paul Heyman has seen a lot of pro wrestling in his career, and he’s been ringside for some of WWE’s most iconic moments. As such, I had to wonder ahead of his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame what his favorite experience in his career was. I took a shot in the dark and guessed it was Brock Lesnar’s defeat of The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30, but his actual answer took me by complete surprise.
I had the honor of speaking to Paul Heyman ahead of WrestleMania 40 in support of the documentary he directed of the A&E series Biography: WWE Legends. We talked at length about Roman Reigns and, as mentioned, what his favorite professional wrestling moment was. Heyman took some time to think and hit me with the following:
That’s a very interesting question because I don’t compare moments, and the reason why is that it forces you to strive for a goal that can’t be accomplished. I look at these moments as if the moments themselves are like my children. Which one of my children do I love the most? Can’t really answer that question, as they are all my children, but I love them all differently. I love these moments.
Paul Heyman has a unique philosophy on the question, and it might speak to why he’s the greatest manager pro wrestling has ever seen. Looking back on any one moment as “the best” would imply he thinks he can’t top it, so it’s better to see each moment for what it is and move on to try and create more great moments in the future.
Thankfully, the manager didn’t stop at just telling me that he likes moments. He went on to talk about some of the standout things that he has loved, and it’s hard to deny they all weren’t special in their own way:
I loved the moment that Brock Lesner, the Undertaker on to be treated. I loved the very next night when I had a chance to cut that promo about Brock Lesner conquering the Undertaker’s undefeated streak. I loved Brock versus Bill Goldberg. I also love the first time Roman Reigns and I got to appear on television together. I loved the moment Roman Reigns cried in the middle of a match to lure in his cousin Jimmy, to sucker him into a guillotine that made Jey Uso quit in an ‘I Quit’ match. I loved Roman Reigns attacking Daniel Bryan and Edge in the first WrestleMania back in front of a crowd.I loved some of the scenes that we did backstage on a couch with the rest of The Bloodline and Sami [Zayn]. I loved the Roman Reigns and Sami match in Montreal. I loved last year’s WrestleMania when Roman Reigns defeated Cody Rhodes. So many different moments, but I never compare them because they all fit a different narrative and satisfy a different goal, and inspire a different passion. The same way that I love all of my kids, but differently.
Paul Heyman talking about the beauty of the Sami Zayn story with The Bloodline really resonated with me, because I get what he’s saying. Those segments put the wrestler so over that he had people at CinemaBlend convinced he’d beat Roman Reigns for the title. It was the perfect storyline for the moment, and that matters more than if it was better than the reactions Reigns beating Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania received.
It also must be hard to pick a favorite moment when many moments you had a hand in are among the best WrestleMania matches of all time. He’s been a major player in some of the biggest moments of the past decade alone, and when you factor in all he did before that, he may warrant an even greater honor than being in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Hopefully, Heyman will get as many flowers at his induction as he gave Roman Reigns in the Biography: WWE Legends. The documentary shines a light on the wrestler’s career, and what he doesn’t get enough credit for as a talent.
Check out the Paul Heyman-directed Biography: WWE Legends “Roman Reigns” on A&E on Sunday, March 31st at 9:00 p.m. ET. After watching that, use a Peacock Premium subscription to look up some of the greatest moments that Heyman has been a part of.
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