Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu, who recently married badminton player Mathias Boe in a private ceremony in Udaipur, spoke about her new outlook on life in her first interview since the wedding. In a candid conversation with Elle magazine, Taapsee revealed a shift in her approach to work-life balance. She expressed a desire to “enjoy life beyond work” and invest her time in projects that resonate with her.
Taapsee Pannu speaks on prioritising happiness over hustle in FIRST interview after marriage with Mathias Boe: “Want to live happily every day of my life”
“At this point, I feel my professional choices are driven by the value of my time,” the Dunki actress stated. “I want to be sure if taking up a certain project is worth my time because I want to enjoy life beyond work. The second factor is relevance. I would love to cherish my filmography years from now.”
The actress also acknowledged the pressure to constantly climb the ladder of success. The Pink actress shared, “There will always be people around you who have more or less than you, and in the hustle to reach the top, we forget that there is no top. I’ve realised it is better to start enjoying life beyond my profession.”
She spoke about the importance of personal well-being, stating, “I’m okay with not becoming the biggest thing ever, but I want to make sure I live happily every day of my life. You are not as significant as you think you are in your head.”
Meanwhile, the 36-year-old actress is reportedly enjoying quality time with her husband. Social media has been abuzz with glimpses of their wedding festivities, including a video of Taapsee’s vibrant dance entrance towards Mathias at the varmala ceremony.
The couple reportedly met in 2013 and have been together ever since.
Also Read: Taapsee Pannu and Mathias Boe’s marriage: From 90s Bollywood music to ballroom melodies, Pink actress performs on different songs at her sangeet
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