The most ridiculous legislation has just been passed, with Humza Yousaf leading the charge.
Holyrood’s new hate crime legislation, which kicked in on Monday and saw Humza himself being a victim of his own success, for after he managed to get the legislation passed, he became the most reported person on it for his rant about diversity four years ago.
Alongside him was JK Rowling, for correctly describing trans women as men, which they are, there’s no getting around it. She also criticised the government.
Both Humza and JK were reported to the police in Scotland over claims that they had committed so-called hate crimes. Officers were inundated with allegations against them. Is this really the best use of our police time?
Nana Akua shares her thoughts on Scotland’s Hate Crime law
GB News
The new legislation basically gives the police the final say on whether to proceed and record their words as non crime hate incidents, and luckily for Humza, they decided against it. What a waste of police time and money.
They also decided not to proceed with JK Rowling, who rightly pointed out that the legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls single sex spaces.
She argued it is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls rights, unless we’re allowed to call a man a man.
She said: “I hope every woman in Scotland who wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement, and I trust that all women, irrespective of profile or financial means, will be treated equally under the law.”
Hear, hear. Thank God she said something.
Can you imagine if it was one of us? I don’t know about you, but I want our police to deal with actual crime, like burglaries and violent attacks, not hurt feelings.
But it gets worse. This weekend, there is concern that police will be deluged by a torrent of hate crime complaints as Celtic play Rangers on Sunday, with fans from both sides making vexatious and spurious claims against each other.
How can they decipher what’s what? Surely that’s the job of a court of law? What a mess. But it’s actually united both the right and the left.
I’m afraid this legislation is already proving to be going down like a cup of sick.
Just like Hamza’s great mentor Nicola Sturgeon’s gender recognition reform bill, remember that, which arguably was the catalyst for cutting short her tenure.
That alongside an unaccounted £600,000, she’s taught him well. It looks like Humza is going in the same direction.
Source Agencies