Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh is launching her first dine-in restaurant, Arambam – Starts with Millet on 16th April at Madhapur, Hyderabad. The restaurant will be launched in collaboration with Curefoods, India’s leading F&B and cloud kitchen operator. Arambam – Starts with Millet will be a unique dine-in concept based on the nutritional value of the grain and will feature a millet-centric menu. Rakul Preet Singh, a fitness enthusiast herself, will also be the brand ambassador for the restaurant representing a shared vision for fostering healthy dietary practices and overall well-being.
Rakul Preet Singh to launch her first dine-in restaurant Arambam in collaboration with Curefoods in Hyderabad
Enthusiastic about the partnership, Rakul Preet Singh stated, “I’m excited to open my first restaurant in Hyderabad and help unite the goal of delectable, nutritious eating for all. I believe that food not only feeds the body but also the soul and at Arambam, we plan to do this together, one nutritious millet bowl at a time.”
Commenting on the launch, Ankit Nagori, Founder, Curefoods, said, “Arambam is not just a restaurant; it’s our way of showcasing commitment to a healthy lifestyle and responsible food decisions. We are thrilled with this collaboration and are looking forward to expanding into other markets soon.”
Arambam – Starts with Millet is an upcoming culinary hot spot, where food lovers, on a mission to eat healthy can turn their eating adventures into a delightful and sustainable feast.
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