In a startling incident early Sunday morning, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s residence at Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai became the scene of a security breach. Two unidentified assailants on a motorcycle fired multiple rounds outside the actor’s home, triggering concern and swift action from authorities. No injuries were reported as the bullets were fired into the air. However, the gravity of the situation prompted immediate action from Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who assured Khan of heightened security measures. The Mumbai Police swiftly launched an investigation into the incident, registering an FIR under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code and 3(25) section of the Arms Act.
Salman Khan Gunshots Firing: Suspects believed to be affiliated with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi: Report
According to a report in NDTV, sources have revealed that two gunmen are reportedly affiliated with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang. Anmol Bishnoi, Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother, claimed responsibility in an online post, describing the attack as a “preview” and issuing a warning to the Bollywood actor. However, the authenticity of the claim is yet to be verified independently.
One of the suspects, Vishal, is believed to have ties with Rohit Godara, a notorious member of the Bishnoi gang implicated in various violent crimes. CCTV footage revealed that the assailants wore caps and carried backpacks while firing towards Khan’s residence. Descriptions of their attire include one suspect in a white t-shirt with a black jacket and denim pants, and the other in a red t-shirt with denim pants.
Prior to the attack, reports state that the suspects checked out the place near Galaxy Apartments. After abandoning their motorcycle, suspected to be stolen, near Mount Mary Church in Bandra, the assailants reportedly managed to evade capture by taking a rickshaw to Bandra railway station. Currently, both individuals are on the run, according to police sources.
ALSO READ: Salman Khan Gunshot Firing: Attackers booked by Mumbai Police for attempt to murder; bike recovered: Report
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