Ranveer Singh has found himself amidst a whirlwind as a video purportedly of him endorsing a political party has surfaced online, similar to an incident involving Aamir Khan. The video, originating from Singh’s recent visit to Varanasi, showcased the actor’s journey through the city’s cultural and religious heritage. Teaming up with actor Kriti Sanon, Singh graced the ramp as the showstopper for designer Manish Malhotra’s fashion extravaganza at Varanasi’s Namo Ghat. Their visit to the revered Kashi Vishwanath temple offered glimpses into their experiences.

After Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh’s deepfake used for endorsement of political party goes viralAfter Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh’s deepfake used for endorsement of political party goes viral

After Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh’s deepfake used for endorsement of political party goes viral

However, an AI-generated video purportedly featuring Singh endorsing a political party ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections has emerged. This development follows a similar incident involving Aamir Khan, where a deepfake video allegedly promoting a political entity went viral, prompting the veteran actor to refute its authenticity and involve law enforcement.

In Khan’s case, the disputed video claimed to be from his time hosting Satyameva Jayate. While Khan swiftly denounced the counterfeit video and sought legal recourse, Singh is yet to respond to the AI-generated misleading video.

ALSO READ: Ranveer Singh and Samantha Prabhu team up for hilarious ad featuring Cheteshwar Pujara!


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