Rajkummar Rao, who is currently excited about the love the trailer of his upcoming Srikant: Aa Raha Hai Sabki Aankhein Kholega, has been receiving, left paps surprised with his recent appearance. The actor along with many B-town celebs, attended the much popular Diljit Dosanjh’s concert, where he was captured by the paparazzi present to cover the event. However, the photos of the actor doing the rounds on social media platform left his fans merely surprised when they saw that the actor’s face looked quite different from his usual self. This sparked speculations about Rao going under the knife and reacting to the same, Rao told Bollywood Hungama that he had got fillers done under his chin, albeit eight years ago.
EXCLUSIVE: Rajkummar Rao opens up about getting fillers done eight years ago; says, “I wanted to feel confident”
During a recent interview, not only did Rajkummar Rao assert that he hasn’t done any plastic surgery recently but also maintained that the photo doing the rounds is just a bad click and that skin isn’t as flawless as shown in the picture. He said, “I have not done any plastic surgery guys. It is just a bad photo. That is just a touch-up photo. I wish I had such clean and flawless skin because it looks like that. I was not wearing any makeup. But I must say it looks weird even for me. It was just a bad moment caught on camera. I have not done any plastic surgery”.
In the same interaction with Bollywood Hungama, however, Rajkummar recalled doing some filler work about half a decade ago. He continued, “Having said that, about eight years ago, I did some filler work on my chin because I wanted to look confident. My dermatologist suggested it and I did. Do I feel confident after that? Yes. Have I done better films after that. It has changed the perception. Acting is a visual media. I am not against it. If somebody wants to boost their confidence and the science is available, then why not.” However, he also added, “But no to plastic surgery. It is too expensive and time-consuming.”
Also Read: Rajkummar Rao, Triptii Dimri starrer Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video to release in October this year
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