Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been in the news recently due to a series of security concerns. This comes after a 20-year-old man, Rohit Tyagi from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, was arrested for booking a cab from Khan’s residence in the name of notorious gangster Lawrence Bishnoi.
UP man arrested for booking cab from Salman Khan’s house in gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s name: Report
According to the report in NDTV, Mumbai police said Tyagi booked a cab online from Galaxy Apartment, Khan’s home, to the Bandra Police Station. When the cab driver arrived and inquired about the booking, the watchman at the residence, understandably stunned, immediately alerted the Bandra Police Station. The prompt action by the watchman led to the interrogation of the cab driver and subsequent tracking of the online booking information. This trail led them to Tyagi, who was subsequently arrested in Ghaziabad.
Police investigations revealed that Tyagi’s act was a prank. However, the potential seriousness of the situation cannot be understated. Khan has been under Y-Plus security cover since November 2022 following threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. This incident highlights the need for continued vigilance around his safety.
This arrest comes on the heels of another incident earlier this week. On April 14th, two men, Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21) from Bihar, opened fire outside Khan’s residence. Fortunately, there were no injuries, but the CCTV footage showed the accused firing in the direction of the apartment.
The arrested men were found to be in contact with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, raising further concerns about Khan’s safety. Following this incident, Khan’s brother, Arbaaz Khan, issued a statement on behalf of the family, expressing their distress over the “disturbing” incident and pledging their full cooperation with the Mumbai Police investigation.
In response to the threats, Salman Khan was authorized to carry a personal firearm and reportedly acquired a new armored vehicle for additional protection.
Salman Khan has been provided Y-plus category security, a high level of security detail reserved for high-profile individuals facing serious threats, for almost a year. Following the incident, authorities further bolstered security around Khan and his family. Media captured Salman exiting the apartment complex for the first time on Tuesday since the incident, surrounded by significant police protection.
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