Ranveer Singh who became the latest victim of deepfake video, has lodged a complaint with the Cyber Crime Cell of Mumbai Police. The viral AI-generated video of the actor featured him voicing his political views while endorsing a party.
The viral video of Ranveer Singh was from the actor’s recent visit to Varanasi. The audio in the clip was AI-enabled.
As per the latest developments in the matter, Ranveer Singh’s official spokesperson confirmed that the actor has filed a police complaint and the FIR has been lodged for further investigation by Cyber Crime Cell.
Issuing the statement, the spokesperson said, “Yes, we have filed the police complaint and an FIR has been lodged against the handle that was promoting the AI-generated deepfake video of Mr. Ranveer Singh.”.
Earlier, Ranveer had also addressed and warned the audience about deepfake videos on X and wrote, “Deepfake se bacho dostonnnn (Beware of deepfake, friends).”
Earlier, Aamir Khan also fell prey to deepfakes where his video purportedly promoting a political party went viral.
Calling the video “fake”, the 59-year-old actor had also lodged a complaint with the Cyber Crime Cell of Mumbai Police. It has been reported that it was an AI-generated video of the actor from the time of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, a show he hosted almost a decade back.
Source Agencies