Power-packed performer Rajkummar Rao has never failed to prove his calibre as a performer. His versatility is the reason why the actor has become the top choice for filmmakers to cast in out-of-the-box films, especially biopics. From portraying the iconic Indian freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in Bose: Dead/Alive to bringing to life the struggles of the slain human rights activist Shahid Azmi in Shahid, Rao has demonstrated his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft, and with his upcoming film Srikanth, he promised another par excellence performance.
Srikanth actor Rajkummar Rao says, “Playing real-life characters is a huge responsibility”
The National Award-winning actor’s ability to immerse himself completely into the skin of the character has earned him accolades from critics and audiences alike. One of the key reasons behind Rao’s popularity in biopics is his commitment to authenticity. He meticulously researches his characters, studying their mannerisms, speech patterns, and nuances to bring them to life on screen. Talking about the same, Rao had said, “Playing real-life characters is a huge responsibility. You want to do justice to their journey and their story. It’s not just about mimicking their physical appearance; it’s about understanding their emotions, their struggles, and their triumphs.”
The versatile actor also spoke about how doing biopics is very risky because there’s a chance that the actor might not get the character to the T. He said more than responsibility, it is an actor’s duty to justify his role in the biopic as it is based on a real-life person. “If we hit it wrong, then there’s a big problem,” he shared. As Rao is all set to bring Srikanth in front of the audience on May 10, one thing is certain – when it comes to biopics, the actor is a force to be reckoned with!
Also Read : Aamir Khan to launch Rajkummar Rao starrer Srikanth’s first song ‘Papa Kehte Hain 2.0’ on April 22 in Mumbai
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