Actor Aayush Sharma, brother-in-law to superstar Salman Khan, recently addressed public perception surrounding his career and marriage to Arpita Khan. He firmly denied allegations suggesting he married into the Khan family solely for career advancement during a conversation with Siddharth Kanan. Aayush clarified his journey into acting, revealing, “Before marrying Arpita, I had already given over 300 auditions and I had not cracked even one, so I was like I can’t do it. That’s when Salman said that my training was not nice and that he’d train me.”
Aayush Sharma recalls apologising to Salman Khan for ‘wasting’ his money on LoveYatri: “I had tears in my eyes”
He further addressed a narrative portraying him as dependent on Salman Khan’s finances. “People shouldn’t judge based on assumptions. Should I share my financial records on social media?” Later, Aayush shared a touching anecdote about his emotional state after his debut film LoveYatri, produced by Salman Khan Films, underperformed at the box office.
“Salman bhai called me that night to ask me what the reaction was like. I had tears in my eyes and told him, ‘Sorry, maine aapke paise dubaa diye (I wasted your money) and he said that I had gone mad. He wanted to know what I was thinking, feeling, so I said I was (and) I wasted your money and that’s my biggest problem,” he recalled.
He further added, “When Antim (released in 2021, also starring Salman Khan) came, I was here only at Ayaz (a restaurant in Bandra). I have a backstory of Ayaz. When I had just Rs 20 on me, I had my last meal there at night. After that, I didn’t have the money for breakfast. It’s the time when my father was against my decision to become an actor. I was at Ayaz, having a roll, and I got a call that the satellite and all the other rights of the film were all sold.”
Aayush continued, “When I heard the price, I wasn’t happy that Antim was releasing and we were going to make money, I was happier because hisaab kitaab barabar (accounts were settled) and that we had made a profit. Until then, I had a pressure on my head that a family member’s money was stuck.”
Currently, Aayush prioritises his family and provides a good upbringing for his children. He spoke about his financial independence and his focus on building his career. While acknowledging that public perception may not change easily, Aayush remains focused on his family and his acting career.
Also Read: Aayush Sharma recalls being a ‘background dancer on the sets of Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’; says, “There were 300-400 background dancers and I was one of them”
More Pages: LoveYatri Box Office Collection , LoveYatri Movie Review
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