Acclaimed filmmaker Anees Bazmee, who began his career as an assistant to the legendary Raj Kapoor, has shed light on the demanding work style of the iconic actor-director. In a recent interview, Anees revealed the intense pressure and fear that often gripped the crew while working with Raj Kapoor. Speaking with Siddharth Kannan, Bazmee said, “Angry is an understatement to describe how he could be. He was a terror.”
Anees Bazmee says, “Raj Kapoor was a terror”; recalls travelling 1,000 kms in a truck for 3 days as punishment
The director recounted an incident during the filming of Prem Rog where the entire crew, numbering around 400 people, was forced to travel from Mumbai to Mysuru by truck for three days simply because Raj Kapoor was upset.
Anees further elaborated on the contrasting personalities of Kapoor. “He had a different personality in films; good-natured… But in real life… We assistants were terrified of him,” he stated. He admitted to being yelled at on multiple occasions and revealed a common practice among assistants to opt for less luxurious accommodation to avoid staying in the same five-star hotel as the legendary filmmaker.
One particular instance highlighted the strictness of Raj’s leadership. Anees recounted a mistake he made that resulted in him being excluded from a plane ride with Raj. “I made some blunder, and I was told that I wouldn’t be travelling with him in a plane, but I would be travelling from Mumbai to Mysuru in a Jonga with the other assistants and all the lighting equipment. It took us three days,” said Anees.
Despite the challenging working environment, Bazmee acknowledged the immense value of working under Raj Kapoor, particularly during his teenage years.”People graduate from fancy schools, I graduated from the university of Raj Kapoor,” he said.
Speaking of the work front, Anees is currently working on Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, starring Kartik Aaryan, Triptii Dimri, and Vidya Balan.
Also Read: Anees Bazmee praises his Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 star Kartik Aaryan; calls him an ‘extremely good and honest actor’
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