The trailer of the upcoming crime drama, Tipppsy, was launched today at a multiplex in Mumbai. The event was attended by director Deepak Tijori, lead actresses Alankrita Sahai, Natasha Suri, Kainaat Arora, Nazia Hussain and Sonia Birje and actors Harjinder Singh and Mandeep Kaur Sandhu. Deepak’s mentor Mahesh Bhatt and close friend Pooja Bhatt also graced the occasion and rocked the show with their quotes.
Tipppsy trailer launch: Pooja Bhatt reveals that Deepak Tijori called her ‘bewakoof’ when she left Aashiqui since she fell in love; also remarked “Women can outdrink most men”
Pooja Bhatt said, “It’s ironic that Deepak Tijori is making a film called Tipppsy when he has not had a single drop of alcohol in his life! He was my sahara. He would never judge me and would drop me home. He would also clean up a lot of my mess and also remind me that ‘Kal raat ko kya hua’. It’s a question I have asked a lot in my life. But those were the days. Now, I am drunk on life. I am 7 ½ years sober!”
She then went down memory lane, “I first met him as an actor on the sets of Aashiqui (1990). He used to walk with a superior air. Isko pata tha that he’s the best actor on set! I was about to do the film but I declined. When he found out, he asked me, ‘Why did you leave Aashiqui?’. I answered, ‘For love’. He replied, ‘Bewakoof’!”
Pooja had her share of revenge, “Then, I found out that he has a law degree. I retorted, ‘Fir bhi aap acting kar rahe ho? Bewakoof!’”
“We have been friends since and I was in his first film as a producer, Pehla Nasha (1993). He and I have been there for every milestone of each other. And I hope we work together soon. I can pretend to be drunk to be cast in Tipppsy’s sequel!”
Later, during the question-and-answer round, Pooja Bhatt exulted, “Today, I can stand on the stage and talk unabashedly to the world about the fact that I used to be tipsy at one point in time. I recovered openly. I made the world my AA class!”
She got a lot of claps when she said, “Tipsy aur sober hona mard ki jaagir nahin hai. Hum bhi peete hai, hum bhi recover karte hai. Humko bhi utna hi dard mehsoos hota hai. We can outdrink most men because our capacity to endure pain is much greater!”
Talking about the film, she said, “I am glad we are here with these women leading a film called Tipppsy. It doesn’t reflect the male perspective. We are living in times of high stress and pressure. A drink is recommended to take the edge off. It works for some people but for others, it can be disastrous. Like it happens in the film. It’s not fun and games when you have a dead body in your pool. Hence, it’s also a reminder that anything in excess can go awfully wrong.”
Tipppsy releases in cinemas on May 10.
Also Read: Pooja Bhatt pens heartfelt message for Deepak Tijori ahead of Tipppsy trailer: “30 plus years of shared laughter…”
More Pages: Tipppsy Box Office Collection
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