Renowned Bollywood actress Vidya Balan recently shared her views on the reluctance of leading stars in the industry, to portray gay characters on screen. Drawing a comparison to Malayalam superstar Mammootty’s role in Kaathal: The Core, Balan highlighted the differing societal landscapes between Kerala and Bollywood. She noted the greater acceptance and openness of the Kerala audience towards such narratives, attributing it to a more literate and receptive demographic.
Vidya Balan says Bollywood’s leading stars shy away from playing gay roles
In an interview on the podcast Unfiltered with Samdish, Vidya Balan emphasized the significance of Mammootty’s portrayal of a gay man in Kaathal: The Core, praising his courage and the societal impact of his performance. “We have to accept that it’s a more literate audience in Kerala. That’s a big difference. The texture of the lowest common denominator is very different in Kerala. I’m not taking away from him that he did. But maybe it’s a bit easier there,” she said.
Vidya Balan expressed her doubt that any of the leading Hindi stars, especially the Khans, would undertake similar roles, citing a perceived insecurity within the Bollywood industry regarding masculinity and image.
While acknowledging the progress made by actors like Ayushmann Khurrana in breaking stereotypes through films like Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan, Vidya Balan remained skeptical about the broader willingness of Bollywood stars to take on such challenging roles. She lauded Mammootty’s commitment to Kaathal: The Core, a film that explores themes of acceptance and identity, underscoring the need for greater inclusivity and representation in mainstream cinema.
Also Read: Vidya Balan speaks on creating a vibrant work environment: “I enjoy being around people”
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