Aayush Sharma, who is married to Arpita Khan Sharma, recently hosted a grand premiere of his upcoming espionage entertainer Ruslaan which marks his comeback to theatres after 2021. The film, marking the debut of Sushrii Mishra, and featuring names like Jagapathi Babu and Vidya Malavade, is expected to have released on Friday, April 26 and the premiere hosted by the actor was definitely a glitzy evening with his brother-in-law Salman Khan also in attendance. Along with Sharma, his kids and wife were also a part of the guests who came in to cheer him.
Salman Khan and Ayat sharing this adorable mamu-bhanji moment at Ruslaan premiere is unmissable
It seems that a video from the Ruslaan premiere, as Salman Khan makes a grand entry and poses for the paparazzi, he warmly greets brother-in-law Aayush Sharma at the red carpet, who is accompanied by his son Ahil. Following them, as Khan sees his sister and his little niece Ayat, arriving he fondly greeted her and also placed a kiss on her head. Later, he also kissed Ahil on his head before getting back to posing for the paps, eventually creating a beautiful moment on the red carpet, showcasing his fondness for kids.
Even though Salman Khan is not married, the actor has never shied away from expressing his love for children. Salman has confessed about his ‘fondness for kids’ in earlier interviews, wherein he also revealed that there are certain laws in India which restrict him from becoming a father, without being a husband, the actor said that he has been thinking of ideas which will help him fulfill his wish of becoming a parent. But before that, Khan has been showering love on his nephews and nieces, including his brother Arbaaz, Sohail, and his other sister Alvira’s kids too, and is often seen doting on them.
On the work front, on the occasion of Eid, Salman Khan announced his next big budget entertainer titled Sikandar, which will be produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and will mark his first collaboration with Pan India filmmaker A R Murugadoss.
Also Read: “Salman Khan may not be concerned about his security, but we are,” says Asha Parekh
More Pages: Ruslaan Box Office Collection
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