Advocates criticise politicians for ‘showing up to get photos’ as thousands march for women – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL29 April 2024Last Update :
Advocates criticise politicians for ‘showing up to get photos’ as thousands march for women – MASHAHER

This article contains references to gender-based violence.
As politicians join rallies to end violence against women, organisers say their support feels like “a joke” without action.
Twenty-seven women have been violently killed since the start of the year, according to advocacy group Destroy the Joint’s project Counting Dead Women.
Tens of thousands of people , calling for action against gendered violence.

There have been nationwide rallies this weekend calling for action to end violence against women. Credit: SBS News

Politicians, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, have participated in the marches, but organisers say such gestures are not enough.

Sarah Williams, founder and chief executive of What Were You Wearing Australia, who spearheaded the rallies, said the lack of political action was disappointing.

“The government has a duty of care to keep us safe and to not be allowing women to be killed by men’s violence,” she said.

“And I, as the main organiser, am absolutely beyond fed up.”
What Were You Wearing Australia, a not-for-profit that fights to end sexual violence, is calling on the government to declare a national emergency, require media to wait 48 hours before publishing a victim’s photograph, and fund grassroots organisations like theirs.

They are also seeking funding for behaviour-changing and preventative programs, and victim-blaming prevention training for frontline workers.

Williams said while many politicians had expressed support for the rallies and movement, she felt as though they did not truly care.
“I’ve spent thousands of hours across our organisation on this, but it’s absolutely a joke — no one will commit to anything,” she said.

“The government does not care, but they’re still showing up to get their photos and be there.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Social Services Minister Annika Wells march at a rally

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attended the Canberra rally calling for action to end violence against women. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

What are politicians doing to address violence against women?

Albanese addressed the Canberra rally on Sunday afternoon and said all levels of government must do better.
“Society and Australia must do better, we need to change the culture, we need to change attitude, we need to change the legal system,” he said.
“We need to change the approach by all governments, because it’s not enough to support victims. We need to focus on the perpetrators and focus on prevention.”

He also announced he would convene a National Cabinet on Wednesday with every premier and chief minister.

In October 2022, the federal, state and territory governments released .
There have also been targets set for ending violence, including a 25 per cent annual reduction in female victims of intimate partner homicide.

On Sunday morning, Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth was asked whether the government was considering a federal royal commission into the issue.

A man in a cap stands in front of a large group of people

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese leaves after addressing a rally calling for action to end violence against women, in front of Parliament House in Canberra on Sunday. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas

She did not directly answer the question, but said she believed the national plan would have results.

“Victim-survivors and many, many experts had input into that national plan and so we believe we need to get on with the job,” she said.
She said the government had helped establish a Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner and Commission.

“That role is incredibly important in monitoring. We believe we just need to continue to have this sustained effort. We believe that is what will make the difference,” she said.

Rishworth said she hoped the renewed focus and ongoing conversations about gender-based violence would contribute to change.
“It is good that we’re having a national conversation about this but one life left lost to domestic and family violence is one life too many,” she told reporters in Canberra on Sunday.

“What I hope is this national conversation will mean that there is sustained attention and sustained resolve across all areas of society community to say enough is enough.”

On Saturday, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said men needed to be involved in addressing the “epidemic”.
“In this country, we have an epidemic of male violence,” he told reporters in Ipswich on Saturday.

“Men need to step up. Men need to talk to their sons, to their brothers, to their colleagues at work and try to work together. It cannot be left to women.”

A woman holds up a banner in a crowd

People at Sunday’s rally in Brisbane calling for action to stop violence against women. Source: AAP / aap

Independent federal MP Dai Le said communities required more funding to implement programs and education.

“I don’t know if another royal commission would do any good … what I think (the) government needs to do is to get the funding and target that to communities,” she said.
“Communities are experiencing high domestic violence. Getting it implemented, programs, education — making sure that we don’t alienate one group from another.”
Additional reporting by AAP
If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault or family and domestic violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732, or visit . In an emergency, call 000.
, operated by No to Violence, can be contacted on 1300 766 491.

Source Agencies

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