In the upcoming romantic comedy Ishq Vishk Rebound, slated for release later this year, actress Naila Grrewal will be seen alongside Rohit Saraf. Working closely together on set, Naila Grrewal appreciates the opportunity to act alongside Rohit Saraf, acknowledging his exceptional talent and humility.
Naila Grrewal says working with Ishq Vishk Rebound co-star Rohit Saraf was “a deeply rewarding journey”
Reflecting on their partnership, Naila said, “Collaborating with Rohit Saraf has been a deeply rewarding journey for me as an actor. His remarkable talent, unwavering professionalism, and passionate commitment to his artistry serve as a constant source of inspiration. Our partnership has not only been incredibly enjoyable but has also provided us with the opportunity to explore and elevate our scenes with greater depth and nuance. Rohit’s generosity on set brings a unique energy to our performances, and his tireless dedication to his craft is truly commendable.”.
Grrewal values the creative exchange between them, finding inspiration in Saraf’s approach to acting. Indeed, the camaraderie between Naila Grrewal and Rohit Saraf extends beyond the confines of the film set, as they share a natural chemistry that enhances their performances both on and off the screen.
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan shares his anticipation as cousin Pashmina Roshan makes debut with Ishq Vishk Rebound
More Pages: Ishq Vishk Rebound Box Office Collection
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