3-Month-Old German Shepherd Puppy Desperately Chases Car After Being Abandoned – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL2 May 2024Last Update :
3-Month-Old German Shepherd Puppy Desperately Chases Car After Being Abandoned – MASHAHER

People can do some very cruel things to animals and abandoning them is one of the worst. There are so many shelters that take animals no questions asked, so there is no reason to just dump a pet, leaving them to fend for themselves…especially not a puppy. Daily Mail shared a video of a 3-month-old German Shepherd’s reaction to being dumped, and it will break your heart.

The video was shared on Wednesday, May 1st, and it is so sad. Surveillance cameras captured footage of a white sedan backing away from the puppy in a California parking lot. The confused puppy didn’t know what to do, and is seen chasing after the car; it was literally chasing after the people who had just abandoned it.

This was so heartbreaking to watch! In the caption, Daily Mail reported that the German Shepherd mix puppy was safely captured and is available for adoption at the Fresno Animal Center. Commenters were just as appalled as I was. @Amy Hannah shared, “How can people be so heartless? At least drop it off at a shelter where they can find a good home and someone who will love them.” @Robyn Bassard admitted, “I just don’t understand people.” And another commenter added, “That needs to be illegal with a fine of $20 thousand and 5 years in prison.”

Related: Dog Rescuer Warns About the Sad Practice of People Abandoning Their Dogs at Parks

More About This Abandoned Puppy

I wanted to know more about this story, so I did a quick search to learn more. The Independent shared more details about what happened with the poor German Shepherd pup. The puppy was dumped at the Country Living mobile home park in California on Thursday, April 25th.

The park’s assistant manager shared her thoughts on the situation, ““I was really sad that someone could just abandon a puppy,” Ms. Garvey said. “She was so energetic and so sweet that it just broke my heart that someone could just take this puppy somewhere and just go.” She was able to get the puppy to come to her, and actually considered keeping the puppy herself. She even named the little one ‘Bear’. She ultimately decided against keeping her and called animal control to pick up the pooch. Shelter officials said that the puppy is very friendly and ready for adoption.

In another article, animal resource officer Rudy Pina told Nexstar’s KSEE/KGPE that animal abandonment is on ongoing issue in the area, “Unfortunately, our animal control department responds to animal abandonment calls every single week in the city of Fresno,” He hopes that by this story being shared, more awareness is brought to this issue. He went on to say that a police report had been filed and is being investigated. Under California law, anyone who abandons an animal can be charged with a misdemeanor. I really hope and charge the people who did this.

We adopted an abandoned puppy, and she’s the best dog we’ve ever had! If you’re interested in adopting the sweet little puppy in this video, you can visit Fresno Animal Center’s website here.

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