Reward offered for return of precious artworks stolen from Margaret River property – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL2 May 2024Last Update :
Reward offered for return of precious artworks stolen from Margaret River property – MASHAHER

A Margaret River property owner is pleading with thieves and the general community to help get back her beloved artworks stolen from her house two weeks ago.

Thieves took off with valuables that included four prized artworks with big sentimental value after they broke into Belinda Taranto’s property on Boodjidup Road on April 17.

Ms Taranto said bedding, toasters and other kitchen appliances were taken, making it look as if someone was setting up a house of their own.

The first of the stolen art pieces featured an image of a cockatoo Ms Taranto painted and took six months to complete.

She said it was one of the best pieces of art she’d ever completed and was devastated by its loss.

The other pieces were of the Buddha and an eagle that were put together by hand from ceramic tiles.

The tiles previously belonged to a Japanese pearling family and were more than 100 years old before Ms Taranto reassembled them.

She told the Times the stolen works were especially significant, not just because of the age and history of the materials but also the memories of buying the tile pieces at the Broome markets 20 years ago with her mother.

“I bought them with my mother, an avid art lover, 20 years ago and she is now 90 years old,” Ms Taranto said.

“She is also so saddened to hear of their loss.

“I do not mind so much all the household items which were taken, but I am heartbroken that they have stolen four of my artworks which have great sentimental value.”

Ms Taranto said she was willing to offer a reward, though if the thieves had a conscience they could leave the artwork outside the In-House Holidays office in Margaret River.

“At the end of the day, I would just love to receive the artworks back. Everything else is replaceable to me,” she said.

Margaret River police officer-in-charge Sergeant Simone Taplin said the incident was a timely reminder for Airbnb owners to regularly change the codes on their key boxes and other security measures.

Police are calling on anyone who has information on the incident or the location of the artworks or other household items taken.

Contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or call Margaret River police on 9757 8600.

Ms Taranto said anyone wanting to contact her about the artwork could text or call 0412 269 090.

Source Agencies

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