Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently turned 36 and commemorated the occasion with a delightful dinner party in Bengaluru. The venue for the special gathering was Lupa, a renowned high-end restaurant in the city. The celebration was made even more memorable with the presence of Sharma’s husband, cricketer Virat Kohli, and his fellow Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) teammates.
Anushka Sharma celebrates 36th birthday with Virat Kohli and RCB teammates in Bengaluru, see pics
This marked a delightful return to public life for Sharma, who had been cherishing private time with her family after the birth of their son, Akaay. Adding to the heartwarming atmosphere were RCB players Glenn Maxwell and Faf Du Plessis, who attended the party along with their wives. Photos shared on social media provided a glimpse into the joyous occasion.
One image showcased the group seated around a beautifully adorned table, featuring elegant table settings and floral centrepieces. Virat Kohli can be seen placing a hand on Anushka Sharma’s shoulder as the couple posed for a picture.
Another photo captured the close-knit nature of the gathering, with Anushka Sharma at the centre, radiating happiness as she’s surrounded by her husband and friends. The casual attire of the attendees reflects the relaxed and intimate setting of the dinner. The caption accompanying the photos, shared by Faf Du Plessis, simply stated, “Great night spent with good people.”
Meanwhile, Virat also shared a picture of the special menu at Lupa Bengaluru with Anushka’s name on it. “Celebrating Anushka,” it read. “Thank you, (chef) Manu Chandra for an unbelievable dining experience the other night. Hands down one of the best food experiences of our lives,” he wrote in the caption.
In addition to this, Virat also penned a heartfelt birthday post for Anushka. He took to Instagram and posted a series throwback vacation pictures of himself and Anushka. He wrote in his caption, “I would have been completely lost if I didn’t find you. Happy birthday my love. You are the light to our world world. We love you so much (three hearts emojis).”
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan calls Virat Kohli Bollywood fraternity’s ‘Daamad’: “I have known him since his dating period with Anushka Sharma was going on”
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