Boeing stock lower amid reports of new FAA probe into 787 jets – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL6 May 2024Last Update :
Boeing stock lower amid reports of new FAA probe into 787 jets – MASHAHER

Boeing (BA) shares are moving in the red following reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is opening a new investigation into the company’s inspections of its 787 Dreamliner jets.

According to the FAA, Boeing notified the administration that it might not have done the required inspections on the 787 Dreamliner related to some of the safeguards where the wings join the aircraft’s fuselage.

The company told Yahoo Finance’s Alexis Keenan that these concerns are not an immediate issue for current planes in use.

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This post was written by Melanie Riehl

Video Transcript

And speaking of Boeing, which I mentioned here, we are watching those shares as well.Federal Air Safety Regulators are reportedly opening, opening a new investigation now which is aimed at looking into the company’s inspections of its 787 dreamliners here again.This is the latest that we’ve got here and a new investigation.Apparently the FAA said that the Boeing notified it in April that it might not have done required inspections related to some of the safeguards of where wings join the fuselage of certain aircraft.This is according to the Wall Street Journal.Also, we should mention our Alexis Keenan reached out to the company and Boeing said once it realized this issue, it promptly notified the FAA and this is not an immediate safety of flight issue for the planes that are in the sky today.That are, that was what you immediately think of.Yes.Does it mean the 787 dreamliners need to be pulled out of service?The journal who broke this story saying it’s not clear right now.They do though.Cite this Boeing program chief, I guess an internal message Julie last month had said, you know, the company had found no immediate problems for dreamliners currently flying.But, you know, as you kind of highlighted there, it’s another headline and another quality issue here that Boeing doesn’t need right this year.And the shares are down some, but it’s not as, you know, it’s not as though the market is having a huge reaction to this latest we’ll keep watching.

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