Bollywood actor Bobby Deol left the audience astounded with a shocking revelation during his appearance on The Great Indian Kapil Show alongside his brother, Sunny Deol. The Deol brothers, known for their iconic roles and undeniable bond, were discussing their latest successes and brotherly camaraderie when Bobby shared an extraordinary incident involving Sunny’s legendary strength. Bobby likened Sunny to Superman, emphasizing his unparalleled physical prowess, despite undergoing multiple back surgeries. “If there is someone strong, like Superman, in my life, it is Sunny Bhaiya,” Bobby exclaimed, praising his brother’s strength and resilience.
Sunny Deol’s “Dhai kilo ka haath” still packs a punch: Bobby Deol’s shocking confession on The Kapil Sharma Show
Bobby recounted a recent incident where he discovered the cracked window of Sunny’s car, prompting him to inquire about the cause. To his surprise, Bobby learned that Sunny had inadvertently cracked the window in a moment of anger, showcasing his sheer power. The revelation left Sunny embarrassed and the audience in disbelief, while hosts Kapil Sharma and Archana Puran Singh looked on in shock.
Despite Sunny’s formidable presence, Bobby reassured that neither Sunny nor their father, Dharmendra, had ever laid a hand on him. “No, no. I get scared even by looking at his eyes,” Bobby admitted, highlighting the intensity of Sunny’s gaze. Reflecting on their upbringing, Bobby disclosed that while their mother, Prakash Kaur, had disciplined him during his childhood, Sunny and Dharmendra never resorted to physical punishment. “Papa ne toh kabhi bhi nahi,” Bobby affirmed, acknowledging his father’s gentle demeanor.
As the audience recovered from the revelation, Bobby shared insights into their upcoming projects, including Sunny’s Lahore 1947, produced by Aamir Khan, and Bobby’s role in Suriya’s Kanguva. The brothers’ undeniable chemistry and Sunny’s enduring strength continue to captivate audiences, cementing their legacy in Bollywood.
Also Read: Sunny Deol recalls Gadar 2 being dismissed initially: “People said, ‘It’s old cinema, even the director is old. Who is going to watch it?’”
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