Actor Sharad Kelkar recently opened about his role in the upcoming Disney+ Hotstar animated series Baahubali: Crown of Blood. Promoting the series in Hyderabad alongside SS Rajamouli and the team, Kelkar discussed the intricate process of dubbing for the series and how it felt to voice the titular character again. He has previously lent his voice to Prabhas’ character in the immensely popular Baahubali films.
Sharad Kelkar reflects on his journey from stammering to voicing Baahubali; says, “My life changed after…”
Sharad Kelkar expressed his gratitude and nervousness while sharing the stage with Rajamouli for the first time, saying, “I am nervous because I’m sharing the stage with Rajamouli sir for the first time. I have to thank him for making me the voice of Baahubali. My life changed after the films were released. From being a boy from a small town who had a stammer to becoming the voice of Baahubali, it has been a journey.” Reflecting on his journey, he acknowledged the unexpected love his voice received and described his return to the role for the animated series as a homecoming.
Despite his familiarity with the character, Kelkar noted the challenges of dubbing for Baahubali without having Prabhas as a reference this time. He admitted, “I didn’t have Prabhas as a reference this time, like I did the last time. It was difficult. But I kept thinking how he would do it, how he would say something, and that helped me dub for it. Hopefully, the audience will like it.” His confidence and trust in the new team played a significant role in his performance.
Baahubali: Crown of Blood will stream on Disney+ Hotstar from May 17, offering a dark chapter in the history of the Mahishmati kingdom that shaped the futures of Baahubali and Bhallaladeva. SS Rajamouli highlighted that the series’ events occur during the timeline of the Baahubali films, adding depth to the beloved story. With Rajamouli’s vision and Sharad Devaranjan as the show’s creator, the series aims to captivate audiences once again.
Also Read: “Sharad Kelkar was given a mere Rs. 101 for his role in Srikanth,” reveals director Tushar Hiranandani
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