Brisbane City Council’s finance committee chair Councillor Fiona Cunningham says the job losses at organisation were the result of “attrition” – in other words, jobs not being filled when people resigned.
Councillor Fiona Cunningham, chair of the council’s finance committee.Credit: Tammy Law
Figures obtained by the council opposition show that overall 642 staff had ended work at the council since October, either voluntarily, or by contract completion. There were 454 voluntary resignations.
However, the council’s Labor opposition leader Councillor Jared Cassidy asked why if 642 staff had left, only 462 had been replaced.
“Doesn’t this mean that when council staff tell us they are not being backfilled when on leave and they are doing more work to cover the shortfall, they are telling the truth and you are not?” he said.
Cunningham accused Cassidy of representing his “union mates”.
After Brisbane Times asked about job reductions, Cunningham said no “permanent staff have been made redundant”.
“Any job vacancy has been a result of a voluntary resignation,” she said.
Source Agencies