On May 18, Shah Rukh Khan shared a message on his official Instagram account, urging everyone not to miss the opportunity to vote in the Lok Sabha Elections.His message read, “As responsible Indian citizens, we must exercise our right to vote this Monday in Maharashtra. Let’s fulfill our duty and vote for the betterment of our country. Let’s promote our right to vote.”
Recently, actors Salman Khan and R Madhavan also shared a message and video, encouraging people to vote in the Lok Sabha Elections 2024.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is set to portray an underworld don, with Suhana Khan playing his protegee in the film titled ‘King’. The movie explores a unique relationship between the two characters, with action workshops currently in progres. ‘King’, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, is a fast-paced action thriller showing the journey of a mentor and follower as they face various challenges. Notably, this film marks the big screen debut of SRK’s daughter, Suhana Khan, in the role of the devotee to the King.
Reportedly, music maestro Anirudh Ravichander is set to collaborate once again with Shah Rukh Khan on the movie ‘King’. This film is produced by Shah Rukh Khan and Siddharth Anand.
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