One cannot help but sense that the Biden campaign is getting worried. They are right to be.
Outwardly, the campaign projects supreme confidence. It regularly trashes Trump and the Republicans in press releases and has spent tens of millions of dollars on ads to press the point. It shrugs off polls that usually show the president behind nationally and, more crucially, in all the key swing states. The campaign cannot credibly proclaim that all is well, but neither have they openly adopted the underdog status the polls seem to confer.
And yet. There’s less than six months until Election Day – only four months until early voting starts in three states – and Biden remains behind. One has to go back to 1992 to find a candidate who won the popular vote when trailing at this point. Given Trump’s advantage in the Electoral College – he likely carries it even if, as in 2016, he loses the popular vote by 2-3 points – and it’s clear Biden is running against recent history.
A closer look at the data is even worse for him. Biden’s job approval remains mired at historic lows for a first term president at this point. He is stuck at around 40 per cent, a level that is lower than Trump’s was at the same point. All the ads, the favorable media treatment, and gradual drop in inflation have done nothing to help him. The campaign surely knows that no American president since at least Harry Truman in 1948 has won re-election with such dire polls.
That probably explains Biden’s surprise gambit to challenge Trump to a debate on June 27. Incumbents typically avoid debates unless forced to. The fact that Biden not only wants a debate but wants one before either man has been officially nominated by their party shows he tacitly knows he’s in a big hole and needs something fast to change the momentum.
That early debate date signals something else, something no one yet wants to seriously discuss: the possibility that Biden may yet drop out. The Democratic convention does not begin until August 26, almost two months later. The first presidential debate typically attracts the most viewers. This might not apply this year, as none has ever been held in the summer. Nevertheless, scheduling the debate in late June gives Biden time to recover his standing and go into the convention on an upswing.
Suppose, however, if he does not. If Trump holds his own, Biden’s low favorability suggests even a credible Biden performance won’t right the ship. If the polls still look this bad in early August, after a big debate and tens of millions more in spending, Biden must make a big decision.
The party cannot force him out under the convention rules. He will have won almost all the delegates, and they are pledged to – and often directly selected by – Biden. Biden can only leave the ticket if he chooses to.
He won’t want to. No one who has the determination and ambition to climb to the highest point in national politics ever wants to voluntarily leave the scene. But even Biden will have to explain why an historically unpopular president is losing to a historically unpopular opponent. He may decide to put the country, or at least his party’s chances, before his own desires.
Viewed through that lens, the Biden campaign’s “nothing to see here” attitude toward the polling data looks more like intentional misdirection than its real attitude. A campaign whose candidate is even lightly considering leaving the race will do anything to stop that possibility from gaining traction. Even quietly admitting on background there’s something amiss will give rise to the inevitable talk that perhaps Biden isn’t the best person to face Trump.
Those thoughts, though, must be occurring to many Democrats. It is impossible to underestimate the fear and loathing Trump inspires in Democrats. They genuinely believe he will try to become a dictator in a second term. Biden’s incumbency is the only thing that already holds off an open rebellion among leading Democrats. Continued failure to look like a plausible winner will likely start to eat away at even that massive advantage.
The Biden campaign understandably wants to project the idea that this race isn’t over. If it can’t remove by early August the suspicion that it is, it could be that the real race hasn’t even begun.
Source Agencies