Maharashtra Transport Commissioner Vivek Bhimanwar said the 17-year-old boy, who fatally knocked down two motorcycle-borne IT professionals with his Porsche car in Pune, will be barred from getting a driving licence until he turns 25 years. Officials also said that permanent registration of the Porsche Taycan had been pending since March since the owner did not pay a fee of Rs 1,758.
Bhimanwar told the PTI news agency on Tuesday that the luxury vehicle involved in Sunday’s accident that took place in the city’s Kalyani Nagar, won’t be allowed to register at any Regional Transport Office (RTO) for 12 months as its existing temporary registration will be cancelled under provisions of the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act.
“When it was produced at the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO), it was found that a certain registration fee was not paid, and the owner was asked to pay the amount for completion of the procedure,” he said, adding that the vehicle was sent to Pune on a temporary registration after it was imported by a Bengaluru-based dealer.
“However, the vehicle was not brought to the RTO for the completion of the registration process after that.”
(With inputs from PTI)
Source Agencies