Coyotes euthanized after an attack in a Scottsdale neighborhood – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL25 May 2024Last Update :
Coyotes euthanized after an attack in a Scottsdale neighborhood – MASHAHER

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.Coyotes are a common occurrence for those who run or play golf in the neighborhood near the intersection of Thomas and Hayden roads.

However, the Arizona Game and Fish Department is concerned after a man who was walking his dog was bitten by a coyote in the Scottsdale neighborhood.

What are neighbors saying about the coyotes?

On any given day you’re likely to find Tom Lesietre at the Coronado Golf Course.

“They usually walk through, very nice coyotes,” Lesietre said. “I’ve seen them here at least 30 times and haven’t felt threatened by them.”

Another neighbor, Ashley, has plenty of videos of the coyotes who hang out nearby.

She has never had a problem and her dog Jayda has even played with them.

“We’ve seen the coyotes roaming and having a fun time. But they don’t do anything. They lay right next to the golfers. I haven’t had any complaints,” she said.

Game and Fish is worried about the attack

The most recent attack has caught the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s attention.

A witness reported the coyote attack that resulted in the man getting bitten.

It started when his dog and a coyote got into a scuffle and the man had to intervene. That’s when he was bitten.

“We’ve had some reports of incidents kind of going on, some close encounters,” said Darren Julian, Urban Wildlife Specialist for Arizona Game and Fish.

He says it’s the time of year when coyotes have young pups and are more likely to display aggressive behavior towards dogs and people.

“The officers from Game and Fish were responding to do a side visit and check out this location. My officer was actually there on scene and witnessed a woman – walking by herself – walk down through the area near the area where the den site was and observe a coyote, you know, low head and approaching the woman,” Julian said.

Determining a safety threat from the den, the two coyotes identified were removed and euthanized.

Rabies test results are still pending.

What now?

Joggers like Zach Coleman say that is now on the back of their minds.

“It’s kind of scary, you know, kind of shocking. But at the same time, I’m not too surprised because I have heard of coyotes in the area,” Coleman said.

Game and Fish stresses that it’s never ok to feed the animals and asks anyone who knows or has seen those behaviors taking place, to tell the department.

Contact information for Arizona Game and Fish is listed on their website or through their phone number at 602-942-3000.

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