Renowned actor-producer Ravi Dubey, best known for his roles in shows like Matsya Kaand and Jamai Raja, took social media by storm with a video of himself rapping. The actor, who also runs his own production house and music label under the name Dreamiyata with his actor-wife Sargun Mehta, left one of the most iconic international Punjabi musician, Diljit Dosanjh stumped with his hidden musical talent.
Throwback: Ravi Dubey recalls Diljit Dosanjh giving him the most amazing compliment over his rap performance
In a throwback video from one of the shows he hosted, Ravi Dubey is seen taking centre stage as a rapper as he shows off his skills, leaving everyone including the audience surprised. Diljit Dosanjh who was in the judging panel, got up to the stage and hugged Dubey further applauding his rap and the duo exchanged a heartwarming moment. Taking to social media, he writes “Nikaal dun khud ka track, Alb oh love label bhi hai apna …@ @dreamiyata”.
For the unversed, Dreamiyata Music, Dubey’s production house, has been making waves in the industry, and this latest venture into music too has received rave reviews from audiences. Ravi’s latest production ‘Ve Haaniyaan’ co-starring his wife Sargun Mehta was lauded by fans for the intense chemistry between the husband and wife. And we hear, that the actor is keen on pursuing such music related ventures even in the near future.
Apart from that, Ravi Dubey is currently dabbling between multiple projects which not only includes his own web-series but also the shows produced by Dreamiyata like the popular Colors’ show Udaariyaan and the upcoming Badall Pe Paon Hai on Sony TV. On the other hand, his wife Sargun Mehta has quite a number of Punjabi ventures in the pipeline.
Also Read: Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta shoot together after 10 years; fans are curious about their project
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