Known for hilarious films like Delhi Belly,” director Abhinay Deo takes a sharp turn with Savi. This upcoming thriller packs action, suspense, and a social message. Deo says that crafting this unique mix of genres wasn’t as much of a challenge as it was giving a modern spin to a legend. Deo offers a modern twist on the classic tale of Sati Savitri, where a woman defies the odds to fight for her husband’s life.
Abhinay Deo on Divya Khossla starrer Savi: “The biggest challenge was making mythology relevant today”
Abhinay Deo said, “In a way, Sati Savitri’s story is something I have heard since I was a child. It is ingrained in my system. When we set out to do a modern take, the biggest challenge was how to make mythology relevant to today. That’s the reason the story flies the way it does here. It needed to be simplified. What did this resilient woman do? She got into a duel with Yamraj to bring back her husband. We have done that in our film. This is exactly our film. The system is Yamraj. The British system is far more stringent. The British jail system is more challenging. The difficulties on Savi are far heightened. The story is simple.”
An Abhinay Deo film Savi is produced by Mukesh Bhatt, Bhushan Kumar, and Krishan Kumar, under the banners of Vishesh Films and T-Series. Shiv Chanana and Sakshi Bhatt have joined in as co-producers. The film is set to release in theatres near you on 31st May, 2024.
ALSO READ: Savi: Makers unveil late singer KKs last song from the Divya Khossla, Anil Kapoor starrer
More Pages: Savi Box Office Collection
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