Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has vowed to push ahead with the country’s railway expansion if he wins a third term in national elections. However, a photo shared online by local branches of his party does not show evidence of rail developments. The image in fact shows a metro train in Singapore in 2020.
“If employment hasn’t increased, how did the metro reach the cities of India?” read a Bengali-language Facebook post that shared the photo on May 15, 2024.
“Congress will say, BJP will do!”
The post appears to hit back at the opposition Congress party’s accusation that Modi’s BJP has failed to create jobs.
It was shared by a BJP youth wing in India’s Tripura state, while other branches in Tripura and West Bengal also shared the false claim on X, formerly Twitter.
The posts circulated as nearly a billion Indians voted in marathon elections over six weeks.
Analysts have long expected Modi to win against a fractious opposition alliance that includes Congress as its main party.
Source Agencies