Breast screening at age 40 not routinely advised, Canadian task force says – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL30 May 2024Last Update :
Breast screening at age 40 not routinely advised, Canadian task force says – MASHAHER

People should be able to get a mammogram starting at age 40 but it shouldn’t be routinely offered to women under 50 who are of average risk, new Canadian screening guidelines suggest.

Thursday’s recommendations from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care were first reported by the Globe and Mail newspaper.

The task force “does not recommend regular screenings for women under 50 who are of average risk,” a spokesperson said in an email to CBC News.  “However, the task force believes breast cancer screening is a personal choice, and that any woman who wants a screening should be able to get one.”

Earlier this month, the Canadian Cancer Society called for breast screening to routinely begin at age 40, which some are moving toward.

The task force offers guidance to family physicians and their patients on screening to prevent cancer in the general population as well as other illnesses.

The arms-length panel of 15 doctors and other primary care providers was set up by the federal government.

When researchers in Ottawa compared breast cancer statistics from provinces that screened women in their 40s to data from provinces that followed the task force guidelines, they concluded earlier screening led to significantly improved survival rates.

However, the task force notes routine screening also carries the risk of harms such as unnecessary tests and anxiety.

Women aged 40 to 49 can self-refer to a breast screening program in Yukon, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. Ontario will start covering screening mammograms for women in their 40s this fall.

The Northwest Territories and Alberta have recently lowered program start age from 50 to 45 and Saskatchewan recently announced that it will lower its program start age to 40, using a phased-in approach beginning in 2025, the society said.

The task force recommendations will be open for a 30-day comment period.

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