Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor recently shared her experiences of dealing with insecurities, particularly during the promotions of her 2022 film Good Luck Jerry. In an interview with Ranveer Allahbadia on his podcast, Janhvi candidly discussed how her mother, the late actress Sridevi’s sudden death, affected her deeply and led her to seek validation in all the wrong places.
Janhvi Kapoor on her struggles after her mother Sridevi’s demise: “I was drowning in insecurities”
“I was in a very different emotional state when you met me last. I was drowning in insecurities. I think more than I am now. I am reaching up for once in a while,” Janhvi admitted. She explained that her struggles with self-worth stemmed from a young age due to the heavy perceptions and expectations placed on her because of her privileged background and her mother’s legacy. “It has been conditioned into me from a very young age. When your entire existence and everyone around makes you feel like… and this in no way is me asking for sympathy. Everyone has different realities, this is mine,” she said.
Janhvi further elaborated on how Sridevi’s passing intensified her insecurities. “After losing mom, I think I was seeking validation from a lot of places I shouldn’t have been seeking validation from,” she confessed. This admission sheds light on the profound impact her mother’s death had on her, driving her to seek approval and recognition in various aspects of her life.
Sridevi’s death on February 24, 2018, left a significant void in Janhvi’s life. The sudden demise of the legendary actress due to accidental drowning occurred just a few months before Janhvi’s acting debut with Dhadak. Over the years, Janhvi has often spoken about her mother and how much she misses her, highlighting the enduring influence Sridevi has had on her life and career.
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More Pages: Good Luck Jerry Box Office Collection
, Good Luck Jerry Movie Review
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