In a recent interview, acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee shared light-hearted insights into his friendship with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, playfully labelling Kashyap as a “recluse” who enjoys solitude. Their collaboration dates back to their work on the iconic movie Satya in 1998, where Bajpayee portrayed the memorable character of Bhiku Mhatre, with Kashyap contributing to the script. During a conversation on the YouTube channel of Sushant Sinha, Bajpayee reflected on the complexities of forming genuine connections within the film industry. When asked about Kashyap, the Raajneeti actor humorously describes him as a “detached person and loner”.
Manoj Bajpayee on Anurag Kashyap, “He is my junior by several years but I have learned a lot from him”
“Actually, he’s my junior by several years, but because he’s a wise man – he reads a lot – I have learned a lot from him. But he’s a recluse; he enjoys his own company and doesn’t meet too many people. He’s the kind of person who can speak to you for two hours, but in the third hour start hating you,” Bajpayee quips, shedding light on their sporadic interactions. Despite their differing social tendencies, Bajpayee acknowledges the valuable lessons he has gleaned from Kashyap over the years.
Bajpayee’s candid remarks offer a glimpse into the unique camaraderie shared between the two stalwarts of the Indian film industry. While highlighting Kashyap’s preference for solitude, Bajpayee also underscores the mutual respect and admiration that underpin their professional relationship. As they continue to navigate the intricacies of their respective careers, their occasional encounters serve as a testament to the enduring bond forged through creativity and shared experiences.
Also Read: Manoj Bajpayee opens up about divorces, substance abuse in Bollywood: “Wrong thing in some corner of the industry that doesn’t prove anything”
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