Jay Rose, the co-founder of Phase SiX, an online fitness training program, said one movement he advises people to avoid is the American kettlebell swing, which is a movement where you swing a kettlebell from between your legs to above your head while keeping your arms straight.
“You used to see it a lot a few years ago … it’s kind of calmed down a little bit, but it’s still being used out there,” he said.
According to Rose, this movement can lead to a number of issues — the first being an increased risk of injury. “The overhead position can put excessive strain on the shoulder, lower back and neck, especially if the lifter has poor shoulder mobility or lack of necessary strength to control the kettlebell in the overhead position,” he said.
“It also compromises form as the kettlebell reaches the overhead position. Maintaining proper form becomes challenging and the lifter might arch their back or bend their elbows to compensate for the additional range of motion, which can lead to poor technique and potential injuries,” Rose added.
Instead of this, Rose said a traditional Russian kettlebell swing, where you swing the kettlebell from between your legs to roughly shoulder height, is a better movement to try.
“There [are] several benefits that the Russian kettle swing offers … it’s safer for the shoulders, lower back and neck,” he said.
With the American kettlebell swing, you can lose track of the kettlebell once your arms are extended and it’s over your head (because you aren’t looking up at the kettlebell), which can result in injury. But, with the Russian swing, you’re stopping at eye level.
This “reduces strain on the shoulder, joints and spine,” Rose said. The shorter range of motion also helps the lifter maintain proper technique throughout the exercise, he added.
Source Agencies