On June 4, the results of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 were declared with the Bharatiya Janata Party rising into power yet again as Narendra Modi was declared as the Prime Minister yet again. Along with him, many of the BJP party members like Kangana Ranaut, Suresh Gopi, and Hema Malini also won at their respective constituencies. Yesteryear diva, and fondly known as the ‘dreamgirl’, Hema Malini secured the seat for the third time at the recently held Lok Sabha Elections in Mathura and her daughter Esha Deol couldn’t be more thrilled about it.
Esha Deol congratulates mother Hema Malini as she secures a hattrick by winning the Lok Sabha seat from Mathura yet again
Readers would be aware that Hema Malini and the entire party workers of BJP in Mathura were seen celebrating the victory after the actress-turned-politician was declared a winner post the vote-count session in Mathura. Sharing her pride in her mother’s victory for the third time, Esha Deol shared several posts on her social media including a photo from the day she was declared winner on Tuesday. Later, she also shared another beautiful photo of Hema Malini on her Instagram feed and she captioned with a congratulatory message that read, “Congratulations mamma <3 Hat trick” and also added evil eye, hug, and other emojis.
Meanwhile, Hema Malini too took to the social media platform X, formerly known as twitter, to express her gratitude towards the citizens of Mathura for her third victory in the state. “I thank each and every Brijwasi in Mathura who is responsible for my getting elected for the third term?? All the excellent Karyakartas who worked tirelessly for me, toiling day and night, forgetting all else except to put their best effort to seeing me win with a big margin?? I also thank all the MLAs who have worked round the clock for this victory. I cannot be grateful enough to all of you. I thank you from my heart for all your tireless efforts????. Above all, I take this opportunity to thank Modi ji for having confidence in me and asking me to stand for a third term from Mathura????. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!”
I thank each and every Brijwasi in Mathura who is responsible for my getting elected for the third term???? All the excellent Karyakartas who worked tirelessly for me, toiling day and night, forgetting all else except to put their best effort to seeing me win with a big margin???? I… pic.twitter.com/B8o036MBXO
— Hema Malini (@dreamgirlhema) June 5, 2024
Hema Malini celebrated her first win at the Mathura constituency way back in 2014 and is currently focusing on her career as a politician. On the other hand, her daughter Esha Deol has made a comeback in web-series and films and has a few interesting projects in the pipeline.
Also Read: Esha Deol shares heartfelt tribute to Hema Malini and Dharmendra on their marriage anniversary
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