Vikrant Massey recently attended the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 9, 2024, held at the President House in New Delhi. The prestigious event saw the actor in the company of notable figures like Rajkumar Hirani and producer Mahaveer Jain
EXCLUSIVE: “Senior Cabinet Ministers & members of PMO have loved 12th Fail, urged public to watch,” says Vikrant Massey
Reflecting on the experience, Massey expressed, “It was a moment of true honour for me to be invited to Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi’s 3rd swearing-in ceremony. As we all know, it is a historic 3rd term, something that has happened only for the second time in the history of our proud nation.”
Adding to the significance of the event, Massey revealed that several senior cabinet ministers and members of the PMO have watched and loved his film, 12th Fail. He shared, “What also makes the invite all the more special is that many senior ministers from the cabinet and some PMO team members have also seen and loved 12th Fail and have recommended students, teachers, and people in general to watch the film. Their recommendation is heartwarming, and I can’t thank them enough for helping us reach wider audiences.”
The ceremony was a star-studded affair, with icons such as Rajnikant, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Raveena Tandon in attendance. The event also attracted some of India’s leading businessmen, including Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, Kumar Mangalam Birla, Sajjan Jindal, and Vineet Mittal, among others.
Also Read: Vikrant Massey opens up about overnight driving challenges on the sets of Blackout
More Pages: 12th Fail Box Office Collection
, 12th Fail Movie Review
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