A major controversy erupted after RSS leader Indresh Kumar slammed the BJP and blamed its ‘arrogance’ for the outcome of the Lok Sabha election 2024.“The party which did the bhakti (of lord Ram) but became arrogant was stopped at 241 but it was made the biggest party,” he said speaking at the ‘Ramrath Ayodhya Yatra Darshan Poojan Samaroh’ at Kanota near Jaipur.
“And those who had no faith in Ram, they together were stopped at 234,” he said referring to the INDIA bloc. BJP’s sitting MP Lallu Singh was defeated by Samajwadi Party’s Awadhesh Prasad in Faizabad where the Ayodhya temple is situated.
“See the ‘Vidhan’ of Ram Rajya in democracy; those who did ‘Bhakti (worshipped) of Ram but gradually turned arrogant, that party emerged as the biggest party, but the vote and power that should have been given was stopped by God due to their arrogance,” Indresh kKumar said.
“Ram does not make anyone lament. Ram gives justice to everyone. He gives and will keep on giving. Lord Ram was always just and will remain so,” he said.
The remark assumes significance as RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, a day earlier, said that a true ‘sevak’ does not have arrogance and serves the people by maintaining ‘dignity’.
Ram Temple chief priest defends BJP
Ram Janmabhoomi chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das said Muslims did not vote for the BJP at all. “Indresh Kumar worked for the unity of the Hindus and Muslims so that Muslims vote for the BJP. But he failed miserably and put the blame on the BJP. There is no arrogance. RSS people like Indresh Kumar did not help the BJP in campaigning,” the chief priest said.
Source Agencies