WhatsApp has been a game-changer in how we communicate since it introduced calling in 2015. Over the years, it has evolved with group calls, video calls, and support across multiple platforms. Now, WhatsApp is rolling out a series of updates that promise to make calling even more seamless and enjoyable across all your devices.
Screen Sharing with Audio
One of the standout new features is screen sharing with audio. This is perfect for those times when you want to watch a video together or need to share something on your screen during a call. Previously, you could share your screen, but now your friends and family can hear the audio too, making the experience much more immersive and interactive.
More Participants in Video Calls
Video calls are getting a significant upgrade as well. WhatsApp is expanding the number of participants you can have in a video call to 32. This means you can now include more friends, family members, or colleagues in a single call, regardless of whether you are using a desktop or mobile device. It’s a fantastic feature for virtual gatherings, meetings, or even online classes.
Speaker Spotlight
Keeping track of who’s speaking during a group call can be tricky, but not anymore. With the new speaker spotlight feature, the person who is talking will be automatically highlighted and appear first on your screen. This makes conversations easier to follow and ensures that the speaker gets the attention they deserve.
Improved Audio and Video Quality
WhatsApp has always prioritised high-quality calls, and these updates continue that trend. The recent introduction of the MLow codec significantly improves call reliability. For mobile users, this means better noise and echo cancellation, so your calls are clearer even in noisy environments. Video calls will benefit from higher resolution, provided you have a fast internet connection. And even if you’re on an older device or have poor network connectivity, the overall audio quality will be crisper and clearer.
WhatsApp is committed to making continuous improvements to its calling features. Whether you’re making a private call from your home or chatting with a group of friends from different parts of the world, WhatsApp aims to provide the best possible calling experience.
WhatsApp’s latest updates bring significant enhancements to its calling features, making it easier and more enjoyable to connect with others. From screen sharing with audio to more participants in video calls and improved audio quality, these updates ensure that you can have the best quality calls, no matter where you are.
Source Agencies