We’re officially halfway through June, which doesn’t even seem real. Let’s cushion the blow by enjoying the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:
1.“This is so true!”
u/barney13-1 / Via reddit.com
2.“And THAT is how you do it.”
u/sweetandseductive / Via reddit.com
3.“Santa sees everything…”
u/Aggravating-Emu619 / Via reddit.com
4.“What did they want to say?”
u/CharmingAngellx / Via reddit.com
5.“About a 90% accurate description.”
u/CuteValentinaX / Via reddit.com
6.“Exactly what objects is he throwing.”
u/zekeboy45 / Via reddit.com
7.“Police will come.”
u/walshc001 / Via reddit.com
8.“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, it’s the Raccoon’s choice!”
u/TeachMeImWilling69 / Via reddit.com
9.“Read this at the hotel I’m staying at.”
u/Austingrey2you / Via reddit.com
10.“I think this is actually my doctor.”
u/CuteValentinaX / Via reddit.com
11.“What do you think?”
u/Gorgeousnsexy / Via reddit.com
12.“We all scream!”
u/owendene / Via reddit.com
13.“Yes, ‘rantch.'”
u/babyypotxx / Via reddit.com
14.“How to crowdsurf?”
u/trickybabyxx / Via reddit.com
15.“I haven’t slept in 40 years.”
u/the_reddit_llama / Via reddit.com
16.“Summon Satan to clean your hands = ‘satanise.'”
u/femmeseduction / Via reddit.com
17.“It’s best to be aware…”
u/TeachMeImWilling69 / Via reddit.com
18.“Don’t be silly.”
u/Electronic_Button500 / Via reddit.com
Don’t miss last week’s funniest signs:
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