In Bollywood, films on bold social issues like drug abuse or addiction are generally tried in the parallel or off-beat zone with lesser-known stars. But Abhishek Chaubey’s Udta Punjab was a rare exception. The talented filmmaker made a hard-hitting film on the drug menace in Punjab with famous stars like Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Diljit Dosanjh among others. The film, which faced several issues with the CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification) back then, was praised by critics and did well at the box office too.
8 years of Udta Punjab: 5 reasons why the Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer worked
As Udta Punjab completes 8 years, here’s looking back at 5 reasons why the film worked.
Bold and Relevant Subject Matter
The film’s focus on the rampant drug abuse problem in Punjab was both bold and highly relevant. It shed light on a pressing social issue that had not been extensively explored in Indian cinema before. The raw and unflinching portrayal of addiction, corruption, and the impact on society struck a chord with viewers and sparked important conversations about drug use and its consequences.
Authentic and Gritty Storytelling
The film’s screenplay, written by Sudip Sharma, combined with Abhishek Chaubey’s direction, ensured an authentic and gritty portrayal of the drug crisis. The narrative was well-crafted, balancing multiple storylines that intersected in meaningful ways. The realistic depiction of the socio-economic conditions and the harsh realities of drug abuse added to the film’s impact.
Stellar Performances
The ensemble cast of Udta Punjab delivered powerful performances that brought depth and authenticity to the story. Shahid Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Diljit Dosanjh each portrayed their characters with intense dedication and nuance. Their performances were widely acclaimed and played a crucial role in engaging the audience and evoking empathy for the characters’ struggles.
Courageous Cinematography and Editing
The film’s visual style, achieved through Rajeev Ravi’s cinematography and Meghna Manchanda Sen’s editing, contributed significantly to its success. The use of handheld cameras, stark lighting, and raw, unpolished visuals gave the film a documentary-like feel, making the portrayal of Punjab’s drug problem more immersive and realistic. The editing ensured a tight, engaging pace that kept the audience invested in the unfolding drama.
Strong Music and Soundtrack
The film’s music, composed by Amit Trivedi, played a significant role in enhancing its appeal. The soundtrack featured a mix of high-energy tracks and soulful melodies that complemented the tone and themes of Udta Punjab. Songs like ‘Chitta Ve’, ‘Ikk Kudi’, and ‘Da Da Dasse’ and the title song resonated with audiences and helped in conveying the emotional depth of the narrative.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor was hesitant to take on drug addict’s role in Udta Punjab: “I have not done any substance in my life. I don’t know what it is to be high”
More Pages: Udta Punjab Box Office Collection
, Udta Punjab Movie Review
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