On June 16, several Indian celebrities took to social media to share heartfelt notes and posts dedicated to their father. On the occasion of Father’s Day, the popular South couple, actress Nayanthara and her filmmaker husband Vignesh Shivan too decided to share a special post wherein the star appreciated him for being a lovely father whereas the latter expressed gratitude towards his twin kids for making him a father.
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan share the ‘sweetest’ post on Father’s Day
Nayanthara took to Instagram to share a video which includes several moments from their trips, home, and all the special moments they enjoyed with their twins as they were growing up. Along with that, she also penned a note saying, “@wikkiofficial Happy Father’s Day to the Bessssssttttt Appa in the world ???????? our whole world revolves around you ???? You are our EVERYTHING”. She also added several angel and kissy face emojis. “Your unconditional LOVE for Us & all that you do for us means everything. We are blessed to be yours ???????? We love you sooooooo much Appaaaaaaaa,” she concluded by signing off this para as a note from their sons Uyir and Ulag.
Vignesh Shivan, meanwhile, shared photos of him posing with kids in the famous Bahubali pose where he is holding them up as he was underwater. He captioned it saying, “My dear Baahubali 1 & 2 cos of U 2 ???? it’s a Happy Father’s Day ?????? ?????????????? life with U boys is soo sooo amazingly satisfying ???????? love you my uyir & ulag ???????????? @nayanthara” and several types of emojis to showcase his love.
About Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan fell in love on the sets of their film Naanum Rowdy Dhan in 2015 and later in 2017 they made their first public appearance. After living in together for quite some time, the couple tied the knot in 2022 and later, in the same year, they announced the arrival of their twin boys – Uyir and Ulagam via surrogacy.
Also Read: Vignesh Shivan revisits Disneyland with Nayanthara and twins: “Came here 12 years back, with slippers and Rs 1000”
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