Bollywood stars Ajay Devgn and R Madhavan are set to reunite in the much-anticipated sequel to the 2019 comedy hit De De Pyaar De. The sequel, currently in production, brings a fresh twist to the story with Madhavan joining the cast as Rakul Preet Singh’s father. The film, directed by Anshul Sharma, is poised to deliver a blend of humour and drama, with a unique plotline revolving around the age gap between the characters.
Ajay Devgn and R Madhavan reunite for De De Pyaar De 2 with a hilarious twist
R Madhavan joins the cast
Initially, Anil Kapoor was slated to be a part of De De Pyaar De 2, but he later opted out, making way for R Madhavan. This marks Madhavan’s second collaboration with Ajay Devgn following their work together in Shaitaan. As per the latest report in Hindustan Times, a source close to the production shared, “Madhavan will play Rakul’s father. The plot will highlight the comedic rivalry between Ajay and Madhavan, as Rakul’s character dates a man older than her father. The dynamic with Madhavan fits the narrative perfectly.”
Plot highlights
De De Pyaar De 2 will continue the story of Ayesha (Rakul Preet Singh) and Aashish (Ajay Devgn). The sequel focuses on how Ayesha’s family, particularly her father, reacts to her relationship with an older man. The hilarious age-gap dynamics and the ensuing one-upmanship between Ajay and Madhavan’s characters promise to be a major highlight of the film.
Cast and crew updates
The sequel sees the return of Rakul Preet Singh and Ajay Devgn in their original roles. However, actress Tabu, who played Devgn’s wife in the first film, will not be returning for the sequel. The film is being directed by Anshul Sharma and is currently being shot in Mumbai.
Madhavan and Devgn’s on-screen chemistry
The unique on-screen chemistry between Madhavan and Devgn is expected to add a new dimension to the sequel. Their comedic rivalry, stemming from the unconventional relationship between their characters and Rakul’s character, is set to bring both humour and depth to the story.
De De Pyaar De 2 promises to be a fun-filled ride, capturing the essence of unconventional love stories while adding a fresh twist with its new cast members. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the film to see how this intriguing plot unfolds on the big screen.
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More Pages: De De Pyaar De 2 Box Office Collection
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