Chinese Premier Li Qiang visits Perth in final day of diplomatic visit – MASHAHER

ISLAM GAMAL18 June 2024Last Update :
Chinese Premier Li Qiang visits Perth in final day of diplomatic visit – MASHAHER

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined Chinese Premier Li Qiang at a special banquet on the final day of the high-profile visit, even as diplomatic storm clouds continue to shadow the premier’s four-day sojourn in Australia.

Speaking to the banquet hall at the Westin in the Perth CBD on Tuesday, Mr Albanese reiterated his gratitude to the Chinese delegation for the promise of two new pandas to Adelaide Zoo.

“My government is pro-panda,” he said.

“And we very much welcome these beautiful ambassadors who will bring joy, particularly to Australian children, for many years to come.”

He also praised the contribution of Chinese Australians to Australia’s multicultural story.

Before the banquet, Premier Li met with WA Tianqi Lithium processing plant at Kwinana Beach before meeting with Mr Albanese at the Kaarta Gar-up lookout, Kings Park.

Camera IconPrime Minister Anthony Albanese talks with Chinese Premier Li Qiang at the Kaarta Gar-up Lookout. NewsWire Photos/ Richard Wainwright/ POOL Credit: News Corp Australia
Chinese Premier Li Qiang visits Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia at Kwinana Beach in Perth. Picture NCA Newswire / Sharon Smith
Camera IconChinese Premier Li Qiang visits Tianqi Lithium Energy Australia at Kwinana Beach in Perth. Picture NCA Newswire / Sharon Smith Credit: News Corp Australia

Photos from the meet-up show a smiling Mr Albanese and Premier Li shaking hands before a rainy Perth cityscape.

The visit has yielded signs of improved relations between Australia and China, which languished during the previous Coalition government, with both countries signing memorandums of understanding on economic co-operation and joint education and research efforts.

But the visit has been marred by two diplomatic incidents.

On Monday in Canberra, parts of the Chinese delegation appeared to try and block cameras from filming Sky News journalist Cheng Lei while Mr Albanese signed agreements with the premier.

Redbridge Group Director Simon Welsh says the Australian public has “nuanced views” around Australia’s relationship with China. Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s met with Anthony Albanese in Canberra yesterday and continues his tour of Australia. “People have some really interesting, nuanced views around it,” Mr Welsh told Sky News Australia.

Speaking with ABC Perth, the prime minister denounced the behaviour from some of the visiting officials.

“There should be no impediments to Australian journalists going about their job and we’ve made that clear to the Chinese Embassy,” Mr Albanese said.

Speaking with Sky News after Monday’s kerfuffle, Ms Lei said the Chinese delegation had gone to “great lengths to block me”.

“I’m only guessing this is to prevent me from saying something or doing something that they think would be a bad look, but that in itself was a bad look,” she said.

Then on Tuesday, Australia’s ambassador to the Philippines publicly rebuked Beijing for what she called a “dangerous” and “illegal” incident in international waters.

Chinese Australians await the arrival of Premier Li Qiang and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Kings Park in Perth. NewsWire Photos/ Richard Wainwright/ POOL
Camera IconChinese Australians await the arrival of Premier Li Qiang and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Kings Park in Perth. NewsWire Photos/ Richard Wainwright/ POOL Credit: News Corp Australia

The incident involved an alleged clash between Philippine and Chinese boats on Monday in the contested waters of the South China Sea.

Philippine military commander Jay Tarriela said the Chinese navy disrupted a routine rotation and resupply mission to the Ayungin Shoal by “ramming” and “towing” Philippine military and coast guard boats.

Writing on social media, Ambassador HK Yu said she shared The Philippines’ “deep concern” over “dangerous and illegal actions by China’s vessels near Second Thomas Shoal, causing injury, damaging Philippines vessels and endangering lives and regional stability”.

“States must act consistently with international law, incl. UNCLOS,” Ms Yu said.

After the banquet, Premier Li will tour a Fortescue research facility before jetting out of the country from Perth airport.

Source Agencies

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